If you’re wondering how long the refund takes to process or our returns policy on pre-owned items (plus more) discover below.
What is your returns policy?
What is your returns policy on earrings?
What items cannot be returned?
How does a gift receipt work?
What is your policy on goods with an established manufacturing fault?
How can I return my item?
Can I return online purchases to a store?
Are damaged items covered by your returns policy?
What is your returns policy on pre-owned items?
Do you buy or buy-back jewellery and watches from the public?
Can I track my return?
Have you received my return yet?
When will I receive my refund?
What should I do if I haven’t received my refund?
Can I return purchases made on finance?
Still got a question?
Call us
Our phone lines are open:
Mon to Fri | 10am - 8pm
Sat & Sun | 10am - 5pm
Excluding Bank Holidays.
Call us free on 0800 169 2329
Live chat
Live Chat is available,
Mon to Fri | 9am - 8pm
Sat & Sun | 10am - 5pm
Excluding Bank Holidays.
Find out more here.
Simply fill in the form here providing your contact details and some information about your query and we’ll do our best to get back to you within 24 hours. Bank holidays may take a little longer.